题库 题库
🏠 天天查询 > 题库 > 小学毕业考试英语


判断题 In October 2003, Yang Liwei flew into space. 查看答案
判断题 He spent about twenty-four hours in space. 查看答案
判断题 Everyone could talk to him in space on TV. 查看答案
判断题 Yang Liwei’s dream was to be a spaceman. 查看答案
判断题 He was proud of his son then. 查看答案
判断题 Hannah went to London by train last year. 查看答案
判断题 She went to a theater and saw Chinese dancing. 查看答案
判断题 Hannah wants to go to Beijing. 查看答案
判断题 Her parents are going to visit the Great Wall. 查看答案
判断题 They are going to see lots of coconut trees. 查看答案
填空题 请将下面的缩写形式转成完全形式:
I’m = ______ 
he’s= ______ 
she’s= ______ 
they’re= ______   
you’re= ______   
there’s= ______  
they’re= ______   
can’t= ______   
don’t= ______   
doesn’t= ______  
isn’t= ______  
aren’t= ______  
let’s= ______   
won’t= ______   
I’ll= ______   
wasn’t= ______ 

填空题 五个元音字母大写是  ______
五个元音字母小写是 ______  
填空题 写出下列字母的左邻右舍
4.1、( ______ ) Hh ( ______ )
4.2.( ______ ) Bb ( ______ )
4.3.( ______ ) Ll (  ______ )
4.4.( ______ ) Rr ( ______ )
4.5.(______ ) Qq ( ______ )
4.6.( ______ ) Ww ( ______ )
填空题 用小写字母抄写下列单词。  
1.ROOM( ______ )      中文 ______ 
2.UNDER( ______ )     中文 ______ 
3.PLEASE( ______ )    中文 ______ 
4.PICTURE( ______ )   中文 ______ 
5.WHERE( ______ )     中文 ______ 
6.TWINS( ______ )     中文 ______ 
7.EXCUSE( ______ )   中文 ______
8.HOW( ______ )   中文 ______ 
9.CAKE( ______ ) 中文 ______ 
10.SMALL( ______ )中文 ______ 
多选题 全是元音字母的那一组圈起来 查看答案
填空题 写出与所给单词发音相同的字母(大小写)。  
1.bee ( ______ ) 
2.sea ( ______ ) 
3.tea ( ______ )
4.are ( ______ ) 
5.why ( ______ ) 
6.you ( ______ )
填空题 词汇不完全归类表(写出对应的中英文)  
8.1、学习用品( ______ ):
pen ______ 
pencil ______  
pencil-case ______  
ruler ______  
book ______  
bag ______  
comic book ______  
post card ______  
newspaper ______  
schoolbag ______  
eraser ______  
crayon ______  
sharpener ______  
story-book ______  
notebook ______  
Chinese book ______  
English book ______  
math book ______  
magazine ______  
dictionary ______   

8.2、人体( ______ ):
foot ______  
head ______  
face ______  
hair ______  
nose ______  
mouth ______  
eye ______  
ear ______  
arm ______  
hand ______  
finger ______  
leg ______  
tail ______   

8.3、颜色( ______ ):
red ______  
blue ______  
yellow ______  
green ______  
white ______  
black ______  
pink ______  
purple ______ 
orange ______ 
brown ______   

8.4、动物( ______ ):
cat ______  
dog ______  
pig ______  
duck ______  
rabbit ______  
horse ______  
elephant ______  
ant ______  
fish ______  
bird ______  
eagle ______  
beaver ______  
snake ______  
mouse ______  
squirrel ______  
kangaroo ______  
monkey ______  
panda ______  
bear ______  
lion ______  
tiger ______  
fox ______  
zebra ______  
deer ______  
giraffe ______  
goose ______  
hen ______  
turkey ______  
lamb ______  
sheep ______  
goat ______  
cow ______  
donkey ______  
squid ______  
lobster ______  
shark ______ 
seal ______ 
sperm whale ______ 
killer whale ______   

8.5、人物( ______ ):
friend ______  
boy ______  
girl ______  
mother ______  
father ______ 
parents  ______ 
child  ______ 
husband  ______ 
wife  ______ 
son  ______ 
daughter  ______ 
grandchildren  ______ 
grandson  ______ 
granddaughter  ______ 
brother  ______ 
sister  ______ 
twin  ______ 
grandfather  ______ 
grandmother  ______ 
granny  ______ 
grandma  ______ 
grandpa  ______ 
great-grandfather  ______ 
great-grandmother  ______ 
son-in-law  ______ 
daughter-in-law  ______ 
father-in-law  ______ 
mother-in-law  ______ 
uncle  ______ 
aunt  ______ 
nephew  ______ 
niece  ______ 
填空题 课程( ______ ):
sports ______  
science ______  
Moral Education ______  
Social Studies ______  
Chinese ______  
math ______  
PE ______  
English ______ 
填空题 国家、城市( ______ ):
China/PRC ______  
America/USA ______  
UK ______  
England ______  
Canada/CAN ______  
Australia ______  
New York ______  
London ______  
Sydney ______  
Moscow ______  
Cairo ______ 
填空题 气象( ______ ):
 cold ______  
warm ______  
cool ______  
snowy ______  
sunny ______  
hot ______  
rainy ______  
windy ______  
cloudy ______  
weather report ______ 
填空题 景物( ______ ):
river ______  
lake ______  
stream ______  
forest ______  
path ______  
road ______  
house ______  
bridge ______  
building ______  
rain ______  
cloud ______  
sun ______  
mountain ______  
sky ______  
rainbow ______  
wind ______  
air ______  
moon ______ 
填空题 植物( ______ ):
flower ______  
grass ______  
tree ______  
seed ______  
sprout ______  
plant ______  
rose ______  
leaf ______ 
填空题 星期( ______ ):
Monday ______  
Tuesday ______  
Wednesday ______  
Thursday ______  
Friday ______  
Saturday ______  
Sunday ______  
weekend ______ 
填空题 月份( ______ ):
Jan. (January) ______  
Feb.(February) ______  
Mar.(March) ______  
April ______  
May ______  
June ______  
July ______  
Aug.(August) ______  
Sept.(September) ______  
Oct.(October) ______  
Nov.(November) ______ 
Dec.(December) ______ 
填空题 季节( ______ ):
spring ______  
summer ______  
fall/autumn ______  
winter ______ 
填空题 方位( ______ ):
south ______  
north ______  
east ______  
west ______  
left  ______  
right ______ 
填空题 患病( ______ ):
have a fever ______  
hurt ______  
have a cold ______  
have a toothache ______  
have a headache ______  
have a sore throat ______ 
填空题 数词( ______ ):
one ______  
two ______  
three ______  
four ______  
five ______  
six ______  
seven ______  
eight ______  
nine ______  
ten ______  
eleven ______  
twelve ______  
thirteen ______  
fourteen ______  
fifteen ______  
sixteen ______  
seventeen ______  
eighteen ______  
nineteen ______  
twenty ______  
thirty ______  
forty ______  
fifty ______  
sixty ______  
seventy ______  
eighty ______  
ninety ______  
forty-two ______  
one/a hundred and thirty-six ______  
first ______  
second ______  
third ______  
fourth ______  
fifth ______  
eighth ______  
ninth ______  
twelfth ______  
twentieth ______  
thirtieth ______  
fortieth ______  
fiftieth ______  
sixtieth ______  
seventieth ______  
eightieth ______  
ninetieth ______  
fifty-sixth ______ 
填空题 形容词( ______  ):
big ______  
small ______  
long ______  
tall ______  
short ______  
young ______  
old ______  
strong ______  
thin ______  
active ______  
quiet ______  
nice ______  
kind ______  
strict ______  
smart ______  
funny ______  
tasty ______  
sweet ______  
salty ______  
sour ______  
fresh ______  
favourite ______  
clean ______  
tired ______  
excited ______  
angry ______  
happy ______  
bored ______  
sad ______  
taller ______  
shorter ______  
stronger ______  
older ______  
younger ______  
bigger ______  
heavier ______  
longer ______  
thinner ______  
smaller ______  
good ______  
fine ______  
great ______  
heavy  ______  
new ______  
fat ______  
happy ______  
right ______  
hungry ______  
cute ______  
little ______  
lovely ______  
beautiful ______  
colourful ______  
pretty ______  
cheap ______  
expensive ______  
juicy ______  
tender ______  
healthy ______  
ill ______  
helpful ______  
high ______  
easy ______  
proud ______  
sick ______  
better ______  
higher ______ 
填空题 介词(prep.):
in ______  
on ______  
under ______  
near ______  
behind ______  
next to ______  
over ______ 