题库 题库


  It was fine yesterday. The sun was shining in the
sky. I went boating by myself. I didn’t take many       
friends with me because I wanted to row alone.       
I hired a boat and rowed slowly to the center of lake.   
A fresh breeze was blowing, fish was swimming and birds   
were singing. When I reached the center, I took up the   
paddles(桨)and lie down in the boat. With the blue sky   
over me or green water around me I was extremely   
relaxed. Over about two hours passed in this way before I   
knew them. I came back home very late. I didn’t feel   
tiring at all, for I had really had a good time.       


1. many→any         
2. row→be       
3. Lake前加the  
4. 第二个was→were   
5. √            
6. lie→lay      
7. or→and       
8. 去掉about   
9. them→it      
10. tiring→tired
