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根据你的笔友给你所发的照片及个人资料, 向你的同学介绍她。(80词左右)
FromNew York
LoveSinging, watching TV
LikeDressing up(打扮)as an animal on Halloween(万圣节)/ going on a vacation in Beijing
DislikeBelts, scarfs
 DislikeBelts, scarfs


One possible version:
    I have a pen pal. She is 13 years old. She comes from New York. Look, here is a photo of her. She is medium build. She is a girl with glasses, She loves singing and watching TV. She also likes dressing up as and animal on Halloween and going on vacation in Beijing. She doesn’t like belts or scarfs. She thinks they are for boys.


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单选题 ---Hi, how’s it going? ---_____________. 查看答案