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要求: 1.语法正确,意思连贯,中心突出,详细得当;
       2.词数 100个左右
Hello, everyone. Today I’m going to tell you something about the problems that we have and how we should solve them. As you know, we are in Grade 9 now. Every day ___________________________________________________________________________
I hope my speech will be helpful to you. Thanks for your listening.


    We have so much homework to do that we can’t have enough time for rest or our hobbies. We can spend little time on activities. Our parents and teachers are very strict with us. Almost every week we have a test, so we feel tired and stressed all the time. This is bad for our health. I think we must do something to solve these problems as soon as possible. Here are some suggestions for you. Firstly we must listen to our teachers carefully in class and try to finish our homework on time. We must try our best or ask for help when we have study problems. Secondly, we must learn how to plan everything well. At the same time, we should take more exercise and join in different activities. Finally, we should share our worries with our friends. Have a try and you will make it.
I hope my speech will be helpful to you. Thanks for your listening.


单选题 The artist went to the countryside to _______. 查看答案
单选题 This pair of jeans looks nice ________ Sandy because she looks very nice_________ blue. 查看答案
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单选题 --- I’m sorry I ____ my homework at home.
--- That’s all right. Don’t forget ____ it to school this afternoon.
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单选题 It is very kind ____ you to help me with my lessons because it is very difficult ____ me to learn them well. 查看答案
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单选题 Roger enjoys teaching his pupils because_________. 查看答案
单选题 Why is the woman being asked? 查看答案
单选题 --- What do you think of the five Fuwa (福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games?
--- I love them. They’re ____.
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单选题 There  are someone walking in the woods, aren't there? 查看答案
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单选题 What does Roger do? 查看答案
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单选题 After hearing the farmer’s words, perhaps the artist would be ________. 查看答案
单选题 Which of the following sentence is RIGHT? 查看答案
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