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    假如你是李芳,是学校广播室的播音员, 请就以下新闻内容编辑一篇发言稿在下午的广播时间里播出:
    2010年1月13日,星期二,加勒比岛国海地首都太子港发生里氏7级地震。地震估计将导致4.5至5万人遇难,另有300万人受伤或无家可归。 首都太子港将近50%的房屋被损毁,目前海地首都太子巷到处是一片废墟。地震后,国际社会纷纷伸出援助之手——包括捐衣服,食品和药物。中国国际救援队也于1月14日抵达海地,并立即展开搜救工作; 医务工作者们也已经在海地建立了流动医院,救治当地的受伤民众。
Haiti海地 Port­au­Prince太子港 at a scale of 7 on the Richter calculations里氏7级


    On Jan. 13th,2010,a significant earthquake at magnitude 7 on the Richter calculations hit Port­au­Prince,the capital of Haiti on the Caribbean. It is estimated that approximately between 4.5 thousand and 5 thousand people will be killed in the quake,with 3 million more people injured or homeless. At present,the capital city Port­au­Prince is in ruins everywhere in that about 50% of its houses have been smashed down in the quake. Fortunately,the good news is that international societies offered their helping hands shortly after the earthquake—donating clothes,food and medicine. Meanwhile,the Chinese International Rescue Team also arrived in Haiti on Jan. 14th to carry out the rescue for the survivors and medical workers have even set up mobile hospitals in the capital district,providing medical service for the local people.


单选题 Most people who leave their families behind them ________. 查看答案
单选题 When her husband left home,Eileen Doyle ________. 查看答案
单选题 Some people would even prefer the death to the running away of their spouse because ________. 查看答案
单选题 Which might be the title of the passage? 查看答案
单选题 What can be inferred from the passage? 查看答案