题库 题库


  Around in the world more and more people are    
taken  part in dangerous sports and activities . Of        
course , there have always been people have looked    
for adventure . They look for an immediately pleasure    
from a dangerou s activity what may last only a few    
minutes or even second . Bungee jumping is considered    
a good example of such a activity . You jump from a    
high place of 200  meters above the ground with a rope    
tied to your ankles . You fall at up to 150 kilometers    
an hour until the rope stops you hit the ground .       


1. 去掉in        
2. taken→taking    
3.people 后加who 
5. what→that/ which
6. second→seconds  
7. such a→such an 
8. place 后去掉of   
9. √           
10. hit→hitting
