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                                  Growing Good Corn
    There was a Nebraska farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered the district’s farming competition where his corn always came out on top and won the blue ribbon.
    One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. To his great surprise, the reporter discovered that each year the farmer shared his corn seed with his neighbors.
    “Why do you share your best seed with your neighbors when they are competing against you?” the reporter asked. The farmer’s reply made everything clear.
    “Why sir, said the farmer, “didn’t you know? The wind will blow corn pollen (花粉) from field to field. If my neighbors grow poor corn, it will affect the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn. I must help my neighbors grow good corn.”
    His corn cnnnot improve unless his neighbors’ corn also improves. And so it is in life. If we co-operate and help each other out, life can get better for everyone, and the benefits can be shared by all. But if we think only of ourselves, our selfishness will not only hurt others but it may come back to hurt us.
(1)    你对文中故事的看法及感受;
(2)    进一步说明“互助才能共赢”的道理。


Version 1
    In the passage the writer uses the story of the award-winning farmer who shares his best corn seed with his neighbours to teach us that we all can benefit when we co-operate and share with each other.
    It’s a really instructive story, which inspires me to think more. In our daily life, we face all kinds of difficulties. Everyone needs help and only those who are ready to help can get help from others.
    Take global and regional cooperation for example. As we know, countries are increasingly interdependent. When they work together to solve their problems the world becomes more stable. Trade and the economy improves and living standards for all increase. But if countries act selfishly, it will create distrust, poor economic and trade relations and may even lead to unrest and war, which hurts the people of all nations. If all the countries can cooperate with each other, draw on each other’s strengths and work together, the world will advance greatly and all the nations will share benefits and profit from balanced development.

Version 2
    In the passage the writer uses the story of the award-winning farmer who shares his best corn seed with his neighbours to teach us that we all can benefit when we co-operate and share with each other.
    It’s a really instructive story, which inspires me to think more. In our daily life, we face all kinds of difficulties. Everyone needs help and only those who are ready to help can get help from others.
    Take for example the recent tragedy in Japan. The earthquake and tsunami have caused great damage to that country. Most serious is the damage to the nuclear power station that has caused radiation to leak into the atmosphere. If countries act selfishly and don’t help the Japanese, not only will the local people suffer, but the problems of radiation may spread to affect the rest of us.  But if we all co-operate and help each other, then the problem can hopefully be solved, which will be of benefit not only to the Japanese people, but to the rest of the world as well. 


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