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Directions:    For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Changes in the Ownership of Houses. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the chart and the outline given below:

1. 根据上图描述该市住房产权的变化
2. 分析产生这些变化的原因
3. 说明这些变化对个人和社会产生的影响
Changes in the Ownership of Houses


Changes on State-owned Houses and Private Houses of China 

The chart well shows the changes on state-owned houses and private houses of China . In 1990, 75% houses in the country were state-owned, with only a quarter left for individuals. From then on, great changes took place. As shown by the chart, in 1995, the ratio between state-owned houses and private ones was 3:2, that is, the number of private houses has increased much, but still less than state-owned ones. While by the year of 2000, things dramatically changed, with only 20% houses were state-owned, only one quarter of private houses. 

These changes are mainly based on two reasons. For one thing, with the pace of reform and opening-up furthering on, the traditional housing system did not accommodate to the new situations. Thus, state government abandoned it. Houses were no longer distributed according to people ' s ages or official status. People were encouraged to buy their own houses. For another, owing to economic take-off of the nation, miraculous growth was accordingly brought about to people ' s income. More and more people do have the capability to buy their own houses. In addition, there is still another factor, the government has taken great effort to build more houses in order to meet the need of individuals. 

With the new housing system bringing into effect, the state government were released from the burden of providing housed for the people, so it is enabled to make staggering progress in economy development. On the other hand, as to individuals, everyone can buy and own his private house and thus improve his housing standard. This can definitely stimulate their working enthusiasm. Therefore, a mutually beneficial circulation has been created.


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