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你是《21世纪英文报》(21st  Century)的读者,也经常向该报投稿。她的《这就是生活》栏目 (That’s Life) 的下期话题是:
Failure happens when you quit. To go on till you succeed is what life is all about.


Sample writing
    My understanding of life is to achieve goals, big or small, through efforts. To succeed doesn’t necessarily mean having much money or power; it means we try hard to live a rich life rather than give up easily.
    Life is sweet and full of challenges. If we give up too soon, we may miss good opportunities to arrive at our destination in time or even worse, we may drive ourselves into difficult situations. Take Robinson Crusoe for example. If he had been the kind of person to give up without trying, he would have no chance of survival on the deserted island for 27 years. It was hope and perseverance that made his survival possible.
    So bear this in mind: failure happens when we quit and to go on till you succeed is what life is all about.


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