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请以 “My favorite presenter” 为题,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,介绍凤凰卫视主持人陈鲁豫。短文应包括下面表格所提供的内容:
姓名      陈鲁豫
职业      凤凰卫视主持人
能力      英语口语流利(经常采访焦点人物)
个人特点  勤奋刻苦, 把握机遇 (尚未从学校毕业就被中央电视台选中担任主持人)
追求完美, 工作细致,恪守工作, 坚强自信
曾获奖项    2001年,“最佳新闻节目女主持人”
2002年, 所主持的节目成为凤凰卫视十大观众最喜爱节目之一
参考词汇:  凤凰卫视 Phoenix TV; 焦点人物people in focus。


One possible version:
My favorite presenter
    Chen Luyu is my favorite Phoenix TV presenter. She always interviews people in focus in fluent English. Her program is popular with the audience. In 2001, she won the “Best Female News Presenter” award. In 2002, her program became one of the ten most popular programs on Phoenix TV.
    She works very hard and she is a successful presenter already. When she was still at university, she was chosen by CCTV. What’s more, she makes an effort to pursue perfection and avoid mistakes in work. She is a strong character with confidence, who is highly committed to her job. She inspires me greatly in my life and study.


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