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简答题 His work started  (对划线部分提问)
__________  __________his work start?
简答题 现在是下午5点, 根据下列表格,用现在进行时来描述一下你及你的家人正在做什么。
简答题 [ 'sekənd ] 查看答案
简答题 [tʃaI′ni:z] 查看答案
简答题 [ telIskəʊp ] 查看答案
简答题 [mɑ:tʃ] 查看答案
简答题 [kə'lekt] 查看答案
简答题 [ 'bə:θdei ] 查看答案
简答题 [laIbrərI ] 查看答案
简答题 [ 'riəli ] 查看答案
简答题 [hdspitl] 查看答案
简答题 [ bi'said ] 查看答案
简答题 Look,what does this sign mean? It’s_____“Danger”.
简答题 Here’s a card for you.Happy _____ Day.(教师节) 查看答案
简答题 There are lots of doctors and nurses in a_______.              查看答案
简答题 _____ ______ are they?Fifteen yuan,please. 查看答案
简答题 Where are my _______(眼镜)?They were in the study just now . 查看答案
简答题 Would you like ______(watch)a film with me ? 查看答案
简答题 They are from the USA .They speak _________. 查看答案
简答题 My birthday is on the ninth of _________(四月). 查看答案
简答题 I’d  like  a  bike  as  my  birthday  present.(对画线部分提问)
_____   _____   _________ like  as _____birthday  present?
简答题 It’s time to have lunch.(改为同义句)
It’s time  ____  ______.
简答题 My father goes to work by car every day.(对画线部分提问)
______does your father____to work every day?
简答题 I  milked cows on the farm last Sunday.(改为否定句)
I ________  ________ cows on the farm last Sunday.
简答题 There are some umbrellas behind the door.(改为单数句)
There _______    ________ umbrella behind the door..
简答题 He has eight lamps. (对画线部分提问)
_________  __________ lamps ___________ he ___________?
简答题 They have an English lesson everyday.(用now改写)
They ________  __________ an English lesson now.
简答题 He saw some public signs in the park .(改为否定句)
He _______  _______  _______  public signs in the park .
简答题 after, they, cows, school, often, milk (.)  (连词成句)
判断题 Wu Dong has an American friend. 查看答案
判断题 They go to school from Monday to Friday. 查看答案
判断题 They often fly planes after class. 查看答案
判断题 Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese. 查看答案
判断题 Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them. 查看答案
简答题 A:_______do you spend your weekends,Nancy?
B:I usually ____my homework and______the piano.
How _____you?
A:I often______cartoons _______my sister,but this weekend.
I will go to Ben’s  birthday party.
B:_______ his birthday?
A:It’s______ Saturday.
B:What’s_____is Saturday?
A:It’s  the 21st of O_______.
简答题 ---你有些爱好吗?          ---是的,我喜欢集邮。
---Do you have _______  ____________ ?      ---Yes, I  like _________  .______ .
简答题 有许多公共标志。他们意思指不同的事。
________ many _____________here. They ________________________________
简答题 —今天几月几号?      —三月三日。
—What __________ is it today ?
—It’s the __________ of March.
简答题 上周日我在农场拔萝卜了。
I _________ up carrots on the farm  ________________________ .
简答题 你想要什么生日礼物?
What____________ you like___________a birthday present?
简答题 n _ _ th 查看答案
简答题 jac _ _ t 查看答案
简答题 b _ _ ch 查看答案
简答题 ear _ _ 查看答案
简答题 l _ tt _ _ 查看答案
简答题 _ _ ople 查看答案
简答题 in _ i _ e 查看答案
简答题 sc _ _ f 查看答案
简答题 _ now 查看答案
简答题 win _ _ _ 查看答案