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单选题 How does the man feel seeing the woman’s clocks? 查看答案
单选题 Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation? 查看答案
单选题 What do you know about the woman? 查看答案
单选题 What is Mr. Flynn doing? 查看答案
单选题 When does the conversation take place? 查看答案
单选题 Why does Carlos ask so many questions? 查看答案
单选题 Why is Toluker Prison called an open prison? 查看答案
单选题 What is the biggest feature of Toluker Prison? 查看答案
单选题 How old was Bob Crook when he was put in prison at the beginning? 查看答案
单选题 What is the speaker’s attitude toward this type of prison? 查看答案
单选题 No one has had _____ greater impact on _____ Western civilization than ____ ancient Greeks. 查看答案
单选题 He and his villagers are doing all this in their mountainous villages in order to ______the poverty and backwardness left over from last century.. 查看答案
单选题 Increasing the public’s awareness of environmental protection is _______ of improving our eco-system. 查看答案
单选题 --- May I smoke here ?
--- If you _______, choose a seat in the smoking section.
单选题 Under good treatment, she is beginning to        and will soon recover. 查看答案
单选题 Mr. White works as a lawyer now, but he _______ in a company for several years. 查看答案
单选题 I’ll keep the promise _______ I made two years ago ______ I would buy him a CD after he passed the exam. 查看答案
单选题 _________ achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade. 查看答案
单选题 In my opinion ,he has done quite well, considering that he is a new-comer. After all, he is _____ in this field. 查看答案
单选题 Now I am getting used to Canadian food. ______, my new favorite food is steak with mustard sauce. 查看答案
单选题 People should _______cultural differences. Showing ________ is very important. 查看答案
单选题 ---- How is your life in Australia?  ---- Oh. Everything ______. 查看答案
单选题 The final score of the basketball match was 93-94. We were only ________ beaten. 查看答案
单选题 In 2003 the Chinese people were always in high spirits , for pieces of exciting news came to
China _________ .
单选题 His words puzzled me so much that I had a hard time trying to ____ what he really meant. 查看答案
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单选题 What is probably the best title for the passage? 查看答案
单选题 Which of the following designs is close to Dior’s?
单选题 According to the underlined word “but” in Paragraph 1, in Dior’s life, he did NOT      (  ). 查看答案
单选题 We can infer from the passage that(  ). 查看答案
单选题 Which of the following may best summarize the passage above? 查看答案