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简答题 Mike buy his five-year-old daughter, Kate, a beautiful             76. ________
parrot. She was fond it very much. One day it escaped              77. ________
from its cage. The family turned the house upside down but finally 78. ________
found it. Several weeks late, while Kate was at school, it         79. ________
escaped from the cage again. Kate searched mad but never           80. ________
found it. Hoping to make the loss more painful for Kate,           81. ________
Mike took the other cage out of her room. When Kate came           82. ________
home from school that afternoon, she sat beside her mother.        83. ________
“We’ve got serious problem,” she announced. “Not only was       84. ________
my parrot going again, but this time it took the cage.”           85. ________
简答题 开学初,你班来了一位新同学。老师将其安排与你同桌。请根据下表的内容要点,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,介绍一下发生在你和这位同学之间的一些事情。可发挥自己的想象,增加必要的细节。
简答题 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
I’ve had quite a lot of lessons in my schooldays. Among them
the one given by an American is most unforgettably. One              76. ________
morning, our teacher told us an American would give us a             77. ________
lesson. Then in came a man. He introduced himself with English and   78. ________
began his class. It was different from those classes they had before.79. ________
During the class, he played games with us, teaching us English       80. ________
songs or helped us act out a dialogue. He neither taught us English  81. ________
grammar nor asked us do lots of written exercises. He was not        82. ________
serious at all. He was always smiling us. Happy time was always      83. ________
short. After we knew it, the class was over. I will never forget     84. ________
his smiles, his songs and something he had done in the class.        85. ________
简答题 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)
3.想加入非盈利组织Global Giving,帮助需要帮助的人;
4.参考词汇:个体捐赠人personal donors;
简答题 下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。
简答题 随着电脑越来越多地进入我们的生活,它给我们带来了方便,但不当的使用也影响着我们的身体健康。请根据下面所给要点,用英文写一篇短文,简要说明电脑对人体健康的不利影响,并提出改善建议。
视力:eyesight  记忆力:memory
    As computers are being used more and more widely in our life,they have brought us a lot of convenience.
简答题 What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
简答题 Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
Many students feel tired of their classes or don’t feel connected with their school and teachers.
简答题 Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)
简答题 What do you think is the most important reason for the high dropout rate in the high school? (Please answer within 30 words.)
简答题 Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.
简答题 假如你是李明,你跟你的朋友Paul聊天,他表示学习压力很大,请你给他写封信,给他提一些建议。
Dear Paul,
    I quite sympathize (同情) with you and understand the great trouble you are sufferingfrom.

                                                             Yours sincerely,
                                                                  Li Ming
简答题 第一节    短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分 10分)
I have a good friend who's name is Li Ying. She is our              76.
monitor and one of the excellent student in our class.              77.
Clever as she is, but she works very hard. We have a                78.
lot on common and have a lot to talk about. One evening             79.
she told me that something happened when her parents was            80.
out. She was doing her homework one Sunday morning                  81.
when she smell something burnt. She stopped to look out             82.
of the window and find a cloud of smoke coming out                  83.
of her neighbor's house. She called 119 immediate. Ten              84.
minutes later, firemen came and put out fire. Her neighbor          85.
was very thankful for her help.
简答题 第二节  书面表达(满分25分)
目前,学校有在少数学生考试作弊现象。某英文杂志社拟对此现象向中学生征文,标题是“My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations”。请根据下列提示用英语写一篇征文稿。
不用功、  懒惰

4.参考词汇:作弊 cheat v .
                            My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations
    It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations atchool. ____________
填空题 第三节 (共5题,每题1分,共5分)
Customer Complaint Form (客户投诉表)
CustomerThompson Electronics
Problem  A ______ delivery:● Printers ordered:25 HW  ______ ● Printers delivered:25 HW56
CauseA computer   ______   problem
Solution(解决方案)● Post the correct order  ______   delivery● Put a $300   ______   on the customer’s        account
填空题 The Big House of Qiao Family (乔家大院) is a perfectly p ______ old house. 查看答案
填空题 It suddenly o ______  to her that she had once seen the man somewhere before. 查看答案
填空题 Bank cards are p ______  useful when travelling and there are often insurance benefits if you pay for your travel with them. 查看答案
填空题 The police want those who have w ______  the accident to call them and provide them with enough evidence. 查看答案
填空题 More often than not, it is difficult to c ______  the exact meaning of a Tang poem in English. 查看答案
填空题 She wrote several letters to the government about the air pollution, but got no r ______  查看答案
填空题 Today, the boss announced that smoking was f ______  during office hour. 查看答案
填空题 Akitt was u ______  about the time of the recovery so he looked very depressed. 查看答案
填空题 Though rich, she lives a simple life. She r ______  wears expensive jewellery. 查看答案
填空题 I was very d ______  by the failure, but I still hoped we could find a solution. 查看答案
填空题 This special school accepts all disabled students,  ______ (不考虑其教育水平). 查看答案
填空题 —Would you like to go climbing with me?
—I’d love to, but I need to  ______  (先把自行车修好).
填空题 It is freezing cold in winter in Northeast China, so he  ______ (不习惯住在哪里). 查看答案
填空题 The student had a strong accent and spoke very fast, so the salesman  ______  (听懂她的话有困难trouble). 查看答案
填空题 Human should  ______ (和大自然和谐相处), including animals and plants. 查看答案
简答题 下面四幅图描述的是星期天上午在中山公园里发生的事。请根据图片所提供的信息用英语为你校的“英语园地”写一篇短文。

1 文章的第一句已经写好
2 短文要包括所有图片的主要内容,短文的内容要连贯、完整;
3 短文字数在100字左右(已给句子的单词不计入总数)
4 参考词汇:
货摊:stand (n.)  逮捕 arrest (v.)
填空题 The Chinese nation has a fine tradition of r ______ elderly people. 查看答案
填空题 Tina has made good preparations for this final exam. T ______ , it may not be difficult for her to pass it. 查看答案
填空题 You’d better give several examples to s ______  your idea to make it convincing. 查看答案
填空题 Confucius, an ancient Chinese wiser, said that it’s such a great d ______  to have friends from far away. 查看答案
填空题 The 16th Asian Games, whose t ______  is “Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asia”, is considered as the best ever held. 查看答案
填空题 John is an  ______  (运动的) boy. He is good at running, jumping, and playing football. 查看答案
填空题 My blog has already received thirty  ______ (评论) since I posted my thoughts about life in the future yesterday. 查看答案
填空题 The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry  ______ (宣布) the news to the reporters waiting in the hall. 查看答案
填空题 As we all know, the United Kingdom ______ (组成) of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 查看答案
填空题 The waterworks should be built at the middle or lower reaches of the river to avoid  ______ (污染) the water source. 查看答案
填空题 阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中动词的适当形式。
I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year. I have to______ myself constantly that I am really in AC 3008. Worried about the journey, I was  ______  (settle) for the first few days. As a result, I  ______ from “time lag”. This is  ______ to the “jet lag” you get from flying, ______ it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. So I was very  ______ and uncertain at first. However, my friend and  ______ , Wang Ping, was very  ______ (understand) and gave me some green tablets which   ______  a lot. Well-known for their expertise, his parents’ company,  ______ (call) “Future Tours”, transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.
简答题 假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中
简答题 学了课文之后,你的英语老师想要了解课文中的伟人对你产生的激励作用,请你以“The Great Person I Admire”为题,用英语写一篇短文,内容包括:

参考词汇:动物学家zoologist  n. 黑猩猩 chimp  n. 杂种的 hybrid  adj.
Jane Goodall(1934-),BritainLinQiaozhi(1901-1983), ChinaYuan Longping(1930-), China
* 动物学家* 前往非洲研究黑猩猩多年* 在研究和保护野生动物方面做出巨大贡献* 妇科专家* 致力于妇科疾病的研究* 在妇产学科方面做出巨大贡献* 农业专家* 致力于杂交水稻研究* 在消除世界饥饿方面做出巨大贡献

                         The Great Person I Admire
Of the three great persons, I would like to choose _________________________________
简答题 第一节:对话填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
L=Lisa  B=Bill
( Bill and Lisa are talking about the new notebook Bill bought. )
L:Bill, I hear that you bought a computer yesterday. Why didn’t you get a desktop computer?
B:The notebook is (76) l    , and has a battery, so I can use it (77) a    . I can use it on
the train or bus.
L:Isn’t the keyboard too small to use?
B:Yes. But I’ll get (78) u      to it.
L:I think big keyboards are much (79) e      to use than small (80) o    . Also, desktop
computers are more powerful than notebooks.
B:That’s true, but my notebook computer is powerful enough for me.
L:Aren’t notebooks more expensive than desktop computers?
B:Yes, desktop computers are usually less expensive, but notebook computers can be
(81)c      wherever you go. I can use my notebook in any (82)r    of my house,
and when I (83)f    my work, I can put it away. You can’t put a desktop computer away.
L:May be. But for me, the desktop computer is better.
( Three months later, Bill is on the phone with Lisa.)
B:It’s a pity that my new computer doesn’t work. Worse still, I (84) l      all my files.
L:Too terrible!
B:Can I borrow yours?
L:Ok. It seems that the (85) q      of my computer is much better. You can come and get it at
any time.
简答题 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)
下面的表格是有关人们在节假日期间活动内容情况的调查表。请你以“Health means wealth”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文,反映表格中的信息并号召人们坚持健康积极的生活方式:每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子。

                                   Health means wealth
    The table above shows that the old and the teens take an active part in doing exercise during their holidays.
简答题 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。
    “Happy New Year!” Everyone will greet each other with these words as they meet each other on New Year’s Day. But it wasn’t always January 1 that marked the New Year.
    At least 4,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians marked the changing of   the year. In Egypt, the year started when the Nile River flooded, enriching farmers’ fields. This happened at the end of September.
    The Babylonians held a festival in the spring, on March 23, to kick off the next farming cycle. The Babylonian celebration lasted for 11 days.
    The date January 1 was picked by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar as the change of the year when he established his own calendar in 46 BC. The month of January originates from the Roman god, Janus. He is pictured with two heads. One head looks forward and the other back. They represent a break between the old and new. The new calendar was in time with the sun and it has been used until the present day.
    In Vietnam, the New Year holiday happens in February. They buy fresh flowers and a peach blossom to put in their house, following the Vietnamese custom.
    Thailand has its specific New Year’s date; it’s different from the normal calendar. The Thai New Year is celebrated on April 13. On this day, Thai people play with water, throwing it on each other. It is intended to bring good luck during the New Year ahead.
    In China, the more favorable New Year is usually celebrated in February according to lunar calendar (阴历). On New Year’s Eve, all family members sit together at table, enjoying lots of auspicious foods such as dumplings, chicken to bring good luck.
Title:  New Year traditions all around the world
Countries(66)___________Origins(起源)or activitiesMeanings or reasons
Egyptthe end of Septemberthe Nile River floodmake fields (67) _____________
BabylonMarch 23holding a (68)____________kick off the next farming cycle
RomeJanuary 1Roman god, Janus(69)_________ a break
(70) __________April 13(71)_____________ water onto each other’s bodybring good luck
Vietnam(72) ___________buying fresh flowers and a peach blossom(73)____________the custom
ChinaFebruary(74)____________ auspicious foods bring good luck and (75)____________ to everyone
简答题 环境问题越来越受到人们的关注,联合国教科文组织就如何处理垃圾问题向全世界中学生征文。请你以Saving Our City为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。文章的第一句已给出,但不计入总词数。 内容要点如下:
提示:不要逐条译成英文, 请注意文章结构, 和行文流畅
                              Saving Our City
    It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. ____________________________________
简答题 根据下列各句句意及所给首字母或汉语提示,在横线上写出单词的正确形式。
1 In the old days, many children suffered from h_____ because of no food.
2 If we rely firmly on the public, we will o_____all difficulties and reach our final goal.
3 The Yangtze River and The Yellow River r_____ the spirit of the Chinese people.
4 To get the advantage in the competition , you must have enough preparation in a_____.
5 It's too early to draw a c_____ that human beings can live on the Mars in the future.
6 In my eyes, you should never be _____ (满意的) with what you have achieved.
7 As we all know, metal _____ (变大;伸展) when they are heated to a certain degree.
8 He is _____ (好奇的) about any object he sees and he somehow tries to experiment it.
9 The society was set up to _____ (保留;保存) endangered species from dying out.
10 You can offer to answer questions and _____(向---挑战) yourself to speak more in public.
简答题 下面短文中共有10处语言错误。请在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。
删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。
1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

    I got your letter dating April 20 the day before yesterday. All of our family greatly delighted to learn that you are getting on well with your subject. How time flies. After a few weeks, you’ll finish middle school. How pleases us most is that you have made your mind to attend college examination this summer. How wonderfully it is! Dad, as well as Mom and I, are always with you. We hope you to make better use of your time. The fuller preparations you make, the sure of success you’ll be.