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填空题 Team meetings are a great chance for its members  ______ their ideas on how to win games. 查看答案
填空题 Your carelessness in driving will only  ______ an regretful accident. 查看答案
填空题 The kind granny decided to had the little boy ______ as his other family members lost their lives in the terrible earthquake. 查看答案
填空题 She was the first woman ______ president of that country. 查看答案
填空题 The mayor was accused of ______ his power to offer jobs to his relatives instead of those who were qualified. 查看答案
填空题 The medical team was kept busy  ______ the wounded with the lack of doctors. 查看答案
填空题 Don’t let children ______ bad habits which might be difficult to get rid of. 查看答案
填空题 Every morning he usually ______ the newspaper before leaving for work. 查看答案
填空题 The painter ______ (并不打算) paint objects as we see them with our eyes, but instead ______ (集中关注) certain qualities of the object, using colour, line and shape to represent them. 查看答案
填空题 There are ______ (各种各样的理由)why people write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will ______ (给读者留下深刻的印象). 查看答案
填空题 First, you can  ______ (在身体上对尼古丁有瘾)nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body ______ (习惯)having nicotine in it. 查看答案
填空题  ______ (另一方面), there are those, like George Hambley, who______ (反对这一观点), believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. 查看答案
填空题 Unfortunately, we cannot ______ (把他们的家搬离岩浆流过的地方), and many houses have been covered with lava or ______ (焚烧殆尽). 查看答案
填空题 It was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly ______ (向……走去) the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre.              (make) 查看答案
填空题 I do hope so because I want you to live ______ (长寿和健康的生活) as I have.                                                              (as) 查看答案
填空题 Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, ______ (提醒自己) you are a non-smoker.                                                           (remind) 查看答案
填空题  ______ (很有可能) you will die if you get infected with HIV. (likely) 查看答案
填空题 There is no doubt ______ (是人类活动) that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.                         (activity) 查看答案
填空题  ______ (位于更高的地势), her mother’s house would be safe from the floods.   (be) 查看答案
填空题 Without the new paints and the new technique, ______ (我们不能看见) the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.                 (able) 查看答案
填空题 Have your journalists ever had a case ______ (有人控告他们) getting the wrong end of the stick?                                           (accuse) 查看答案
填空题  ______ (除了这个事实外) butts spoil the beauty of the environment, they contain some very toxic chemicals.                           (apart) 查看答案
填空题 My brother suggested me not taking an umbrella, but hardly ______ (我一出去) the house when it began to rain.                                        (get) 查看答案
填空题 America d ______ war on Japan in 1941 after the attack on the Pearl Harbor. 查看答案
填空题 After retiring from office, he had time to ______ (反思)on his successes and failures. 查看答案
填空题 All his teammates came over to c ______ him on having won the game. 查看答案
填空题 He p ______ for a moment and then began to speak again. 查看答案
填空题 I thought the medicine would make him sleep, but it had the o ______ effect. He stayed awake all the night. 查看答案
填空题 It is a truth universally a ______ (公认的), that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. 查看答案
填空题 Soldiers are expected to o ______ orders without questioning them. 查看答案
填空题 Set yourself t ______ that you can reasonably hope to achieve. 查看答案
填空题 Much of South America was ______ (统治)by Spain from the sixteen century onwards. 查看答案
填空题 The children messed the classroom during the teacher's five-minute a ______ . 查看答案
填空题 我必须努力工作才能过上正常的生活,但这是值得的。
I have to work hard to ______ , but it has been worth it .
填空题 六个月前,谢蕾告别了她在中国的家人和朋友,登上了前往伦敦的飞机。
Six months ago Xie Lei ______ her family and friends in China and  ______ for London  .
填空题 她刚转过身去,格拉迪斯. 克拉芬就站在那儿。
As she ______ ,  ______ Gladys Claffern.
填空题 说实在的,我真的不知道我教的课是否会让这些孩子的生活有所改变。
 ______ , I doubt whether I'm  ______ to these boys' lives at all.
填空题 而其他那些虎鲸则阻止它潜水或外逃大海。乔治一边指着捕猎的情景,一边告诉我。
“And those others are stopping it  ______ to sea," George told me, pointing towards the hunt.
填空题 我的心急剧地跳动着——在这样深邃而清澈的海水中,我感觉我彻底曝光了。
My heart was ______ --- I ______ in such deep clear water.
填空题 理科对我来说是最富挑战的课,因为我的学生对做实验没有概念。
Science is my most challenging subject as my students ______ doing experiment.
填空题 而且,动物园有助于当地的旅游业,能给周围地区带来经济利益。
What’s more, zoos can ______ local tourism and bring economic benefits to the local neighborhoods.
填空题 In addition to all her other qualifications, Bessie was also an expert cook.
 ______ all her other qualifications, Bessie was also an expert cook.
填空题 Some officials’ ill behavior has greatly affected the public confidence in our government.
Some officials’ ill behavior has a great  ______ the public confidence in our
填空题 All computers are made up of five units though they are of different kinds.
All computers ______ five units though they are of different kinds.
填空题 Although the weather is unbearably cold, many pests will be killed by it.
Unbearably cold  ______ the weather ______ ,many pests will be killed by it.
填空题 听下面一段对话,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为6—10的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间,录音读两遍。你将有80秒钟的作答时间。
MichaelJacksonThere were nine children in Jackson’s family, and he was 6.______ one.
When Michael Jackson was five years old, he began singing with 7. ______ in a group called the Jackson Five.
He was the lead singer and danced with 8. ______ .
His first album performing alone was off the wall, released 9.______ .
The music that The Jackson made was youthful and fun and it was very popular with both African-Americans and 10.______.
填空题 We should recycle everything ______ (recycle) and try to reuse them. 查看答案
填空题 It’s still ______ (certain) whether they will accept the plan or not. 查看答案
填空题 Colleges are places where we can learn and obtain more ______ (profession) knowledge. 查看答案
填空题 A  ______ (vary) of gifts were displayed in the shops as the Christmas was coming. 查看答案